Management Assertions in Auditing -

Management Assertions in Auditing

February 13, 20202:21 am

audit management assertions

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  • In this case, an auditor can examine the accounts receivable aging report to determine if bad debt allowances are accurate.
  • So that financial statements are giving true and fair view of the business.
  • Organizations of all sizes and types, from megacorporations to small businesses to nonprofits, prepare financial statements they are obliged to prepare and present as transparently and accurately as possible when audited.
  • Examining bank statements to verify all deposits made have been properly recorded.

To verify that managerial assertions are valid, an auditor has to conduct various procedures. Which accounting concept can be used by some companies to justify the use of the direct write-off method of accounting for uncollectible accounts? Describe how audit objectives are incorporated into the internal audit process. How, as a company auditor, would you audit transmission of shares?

Assertions related to Presentation and Disclosures:

This assertion attests to the fact that the financial statements are thorough and include every item that should be included in the statement for a given accounting period. The assertion of completeness also states that a company’s entire inventory is included in the total inventory figure appearing on a financial statement. The cut-off assertion is used to determine whether the transactions recorded have been recorded in the appropriate accounting period. Payroll and inventory balances are often checked for cut-off accuracy to determine that the activity that took place was recorded in the appropriate period. This is particularly important for those accruing payroll or reporting inventory levels. The existence assertion verifies that assets, liabilities, and equity balances exist as stated in the financial statement.

  • The confirmation of an account payable balance selected from the general ledger provides primary evidence regarding which management assertion?
  • This can range from verifying that a bank deposit has been completed to authenticating accounts receivable balances by determining whether a sale took place on the day specified.
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of management and independent auditors in the financial reporting process.
  • It’s critically important for all transactions in a given accounting period to be recorded properly.
  • Those two should not be the same as it can lead to shipments made to nonexistent customers.

Occurrence Assertion – Transactions recognized in the financial statements have occurred and relate to the entity. Financial statement assertions are a company’s official statement that the figures the company is reporting are accurate. Auditors may look at other assets as well to determine whether they are the property of the business or are just being used by the business.

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Without classes there is no basis for planning, conducting or reporting on work performed. For example, a financial audit will have a series of classes such as cash, accounts receivable and inventory.

Audit Assertions are also referred to as Financial Statement Assertions and Management Assertions. These assertions are the explicit or implicit representations and claims made by the management of a company during the preparation of their company’s financial statements. Accounting management assertions are implicit or explicit claims made by financial statement preparers. These assertions attest that the preparers abided by the necessary regulations and accounting standards when preparing the financial statements.


There are three areas of assertions in financial accounting. Some people may refer to these as audit assertions as they are evaluated during an audit of an entity’s financial statements.

What’s new in SAS No. 145: Enhanced definitions mean stronger audits – Journal of Accountancy

What’s new in SAS No. 145: Enhanced definitions mean stronger audits.

Posted: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Classification — financial statements are clear and appropriately presented. Rights and Obligations — the transactions and disclosures pertain to the entity. Transactions and eventsOccurrence — the transactions recorded have actually taken place.


For example, an auditor will develop tests to determine whether a company has properly accounted for its borrowing transactions audit management assertions during the period. These tests are specific to the accounts and information systems in place at the company being audited.

audit management assertions

The auditor must also decide the level of evidence to be gathered for each class which is then used in making an assertion about whether that particular account balance or item is free from material misstatement. Auditors for these companies perform procedures to test the validity of management’s assertions and to provide an independent opinion. While audit procedures do not provide absolute assurance, an audit is designed to provide readers of financial statements with reasonable assurance an entity’s financial statements fairly present its financial position in all material respects. The assertion of existence is the assertion that the assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity balances appearing on a company’s financial statements exist as stated at the end of the accounting period that the financial statement covers. Put simply, this assertion assures that the information presented actually exists and is free from any fraudulent activity. Rights and obligations assertions are used to determine that the assets, liabilities, and equity represented in the financial statements are the property of the business being audited. In other words, if your small business is being audited, the auditor may ask for proof that the cash balance of your bank account belongs to the business.

There are numerous audit assertion categories that auditors use to support and verify the information found in a company’s financial statements. Mark is an accountant, and he is preparing the financial statements of a leading shipping company. The company’s manager has provided Mark with a series of audit assertions, which Mark should take into account to guarantee the good standing of the financial statements.

audit management assertions

Assets, liabilities, and equity interests are included in the financial statements at appropriate amounts, and any resulting valuation or allocation adjustments are appropriately recorded. He follows the same procedure to check the descriptions of the accounts recorded in the balance sheet as well as the disclosure for each transaction.

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